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San Andreas Surf Paradise
Code of Conduct

This Code of conduct applies to all individuals who act in a volunteer capacity in the SASP community.

Respectful conduct
Volunteers must treat with respect all fellow volunteers and all others with whom they interact while playing on the server. Harassment, discrimination or other behaviors that compromise the dignity and self-worth of others cannot be tolerated and will be addressed promptly, in confidence, and in accordance with standards of the due process developed by SASP. SASP expects all leadership positions and volunteers to abide by the Basic Human Rights Code. These are minimum standards and by no means cover every contingency. However, any material failure to comply with these standards will be sufficient grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination of the individual from their volunteer position and access to the server.

At all times, the privacy and dignity of members, other volunteers, and SASP volunteer staff must be respected. Volunteers may have access to information and documents relating to members, other volunteers, or SASP business that are private and confidential in nature; reasonable care and caution will be exercised to protect and maintain total confidentiality. Volunteers will not read records or discuss such information unless there is a legitimate purpose. All member records are the property of SASP.

Abuse of Power
SASP is a community that shares power among ranks. We have created leadership positions for people that want to be more involved. If someone abuses their position of power, please contact the server owners directly at

Shared Ranks & Leadership Positions
We have created a ranking structure at SASP but it is fairly loose. We have designated people to help you with your specific problems. If you are interested in becoming a leader at SASP, please follow the chain of command to see if they have any open leadership positions.

SASP Rules
Parents are urged to be cautious. Some material may be inappropriate for pre-teenagers.
We are a family at SASP! Below are the rules. We must create rules to make the server enjoyable for all. We know some rules create barriers to role-play, but we want to foster a create a culture where any and everyone can enjoy this community. Have questions? Submit a Administration Support Ticket in the discord. Everyone has a direct line to the admins and owners of the server.

Treat People How You Would Like To Be Treated
Please treat others with respect. This community is design for realistic but FUN role-play. If you have an issue with a member of SASP please communicate and address it. To report any misconduct follow Chain Of Command.
Zero Tolerance Policy for, Excessive Cursing, Racial Slurs, Prejudices, Gossip, Rumors, or Slander of Sexual Orientation. Please report all issues in the designated ticket panel in the discord.

If you are not an admin or in a leadership position, please shy away from giving direction or telling someone what to do. If you have an issue please communicate and report it to Chain Of Command.

Music and Media are not allowed on the server or any other communication platforms for SASP. Some experiences can be rough when people are playing music through their microphone on the server. Please refrain and try to be courteous of others. Burping, farting, or any sounds of a bodily function should not be heard through the microphone. Yelling, screaming, past the normal sound level of your voice is prohibited. In addition, please be mindful and shy away from excessive background noise through your microphone.

General Operation

SASp Guidelines

Push to Talk is Required to communicate in SASP
All personnel is REQUIRED to have a functioning Microphone to participate in any role-play on the server. 

Please role-play in the designated role-play area.

Members are allowed to be involved with any other Grand Theft Auto V Role-Play Community.

Recording or streaming of any San Andreas Surf Paradise content or asset to any website or online must be registered! We do this strickly to help share your content and to give you tools. We would also love to feature and advertise your content! Please do this threw an administration ticket for your streamer/youtube role so your content can be advertised on the website and discord!

English must be spoken in all communication

Use of any San Andreas Surf Paradise for personal gain or benefit of non-authorized individuals and/or organizations is strictly prohibited.

Coming on San Andreas Surf Paradise’s TeamSpeak or Discord Server while under the influence of alcohol or narcotics is strictly prohibited and will be subject to an immediate strike two. (see strikes in the Discipline Section)

It is recommended for all members under the age of 18 years old to have their parents/guardian permission prior to joining any RP (Role Play) Community.

You can come as you please in SASP. Please just communicate to your the head leader of your department and let us know if we can help with anything. Once you become apart of the family, you are always apart of the family!


Discipline is handled by the Administration of the server. ANY RULES THAT ARE BROKEN ARE SUBJECT TO DISCIPLINARY ACTION.
Discipline is handled in strikes
Strike One: Talk to by Leadership
Strike Two: Temporary Ban from Server & Forms
Strike Three: Indefinable Ban From Server & Forms
Strike Four: Permanent Ban From All SASP Communication and Assets.

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